So in case you haven't heard yet...we have a new president. Like everyone else, I was wrapped in the excitement of such a momentous occasion in history. It was a truly special thing to witness, even if only from my kitchen TV.
You see, I celebrate holidays and special occasions with my favorite thing: cupcakes. Of course, Inaugural cupcakes took on a rather patriotic theme:

In the midst of the baking and watching the endless media coverage, I started to think about what the day truly meant. Up until last week, most of the "Where were you when...?" moments I've lived through have been tragedies (9/11 and Columbine, to name a few). But this moment, this moment is the exact opposite of all the tragedy this country has seen and everything that has made others looks to unfavorably upon us.

While this occasion does not by any means erase all of those other moments, it is a true step in the right direction. And like the rest of America, I feel for the first time in a long time, that change is possible. It won't be easy, and I hope people will give President Obama time. It's only been a week and change does not and cannot happen overnight. It took eight years to get into the mess we currently find ourselves, who knows how long it will take us to get out of it?

It's an exciting time in the country, in the world, and an exciting time for me as well. I'm not in the same place I was last year. Since recent events have turned my world and my future upside down, I completely forgot to celebrate. I graduated from college. I will have my diploma in hand in a month. That is an amazing accomplishment, and I have not spent enough time being proud of myself for having seen it through.

So, despite everything else that's been going on lately, I use this particular blog to celebrate the new stage in my life, and the new stage in the life of America and all the possibilities of the future. I will do great things, the people of this country will do great things. And that, my friend's is something to look forward to.

And, despite everything, I still believe that cupcakes can cure whatever ails you.
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