I've always been a little bummed about not having a ton of friends in my life. Being super shy, quiet, and paranoid about what people think of me has often hindered my ability to establish new relationships with people. But over the years, I have managed to assemble the most amazing group of a friends any girl could ask for. I would chose keeping these people in my life over having a million friends any day of the week. These people have seen me through the darkness of lost relationships, the pain of losing my grandmother, the trials and tribulations I've faced to finish school. They've been there to celebrate the good times and every crazy ass moment in between. They are there when I need them, and even when I don't. Though my relationships with some of them have come and gone and come again in waves, I treasure every single one of them more than they could ever know. These are the people who keep me sane, who give me perspective when I've lost my way, who call me on my shit when it's necessary, and aren't afraid to let me have the truth. These are the people that laugh at my stupid jokes and make me feel like I'm lucky to be alive. I am eternally grateful to have them in my life.
This is for every single one of my friends, but especially for Coley, Christine, Dennis, Jenn, and my work crew for making every day an adventure and for being there to make me laugh, keep me sane, and be generally awesome. I love you guys!
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